Plan the perfect pamper session this Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is fast approaching and this year we’re encouraging all of our lovely customers to treat themselves on February 14th. We know this is a day for romance and love, so why not try and indulge in a bit of self-care for yourself on this special day?

Here at Honey Bee Beautiful, we’ve put together the perfect pamper routine for your Valentine’s Day, to help you put yourself first and care for your body from top to toe!

Step One - Set The Scene

To help your skin prepare for your pampering, make sure you take any make-up off, put on a comfortable fluffy dressing gown and lock the door for maximum peace and seclusion. It’s your time for you and it’s so important to help your mind stay calm as well as your body. If you can, light some candles and play some calming music to really help set the scene.


Step Two - Draw a Hot Steaming Bath

Run yourself a hot bath, and make sure you drizzle in a few drops of our Rose, Geranium, Lavender and Chamomile Bath Oil to the running water. Let the rose scent fill the room and then hop in. Why not get stuck into your favourite book or magazine whilst you’re there?

Step Three - Cleanse The Skin

To cleanse and freshen the skin, use our gentle Rose, Orange and Patchouli soap all over the body, forming suds to help moisturise any delicate areas. Not only will the scents compliment the bath oil, filling the bathroom with a lovely relaxing smell, but your skin will also benefit from the natural ingredients of the Honey Bee solutions.

Step Four - Body Butter and Relaxation

As you leave the bath, pat your skin dry with a towel and use the Honey Bee body butter to lock in all the moisture and hydration from the previous products. Massage the butter gently into your skin, and leave it a couple of minutes to dry before wrapping yourself back up in your dressing gown.

Step Five - Massage Your Skin

To fully pamper and indulge your skin, use the Soothing Bee Balm as a massage bar.  Get your partner to gently move the bar in circular motions around your muscles and body. Take special care over any areas of tension or stress, and use hands to soften the skin as you go.


And to help you get in the Valentine's mood why not try our 'Valentine Bee - I Love You' Gift Box with all of the above HBB goodies - Bathing Bee Oil to Relax, Rose, Orange & Patchouli Soap, Honey Bee Body Butter and Soothing Bee Massage Bar all for a 'bee..utiful' £38.  

Now the rest of the evening is yours to enjoy! Order a takeaway, grab a glass of wine, curl up with a good book or just enjoy some chocolate in front of the telly. What could be better?

Much love,

Cath and the Bees - have a very Happy Valentine’s Day!


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