FAQs non accordion

Frequently asked questions about honey and Honey Bee Beautiful products.

What is RAW HONEY?

Raw honey is honey straight from the hive which means that it has not pasteurised or micro filtered.  Normal supermarket honey is like orange juice in that it is a blend from across European which is highly processed to improve the shelf life.  Honey which is heated and micro processed takes out the valuable pollen, vitamins, enzymes and unique single apiary flavours.

What’s the difference between RUNNY and SET honey?

All honey comes out of the hive runny but will form into crystals over time.  This is completely natural and is still safe to eat and HAS NOT gone off.  If you want to return crystalised honey to runny honey simply heat it (taking the lid off first) on a very low setting in the microwave or over a saucepan of water.

Why are HONEYs different COLOURS?

This depends on what nectar the bees have brought into the hive.  Generally Spring honey is darker and stronger tasting being full of tree pollens, dandelions etc.. compared with Summer honey which is much lighter and more floral being full of meadow flowers, clover and bramble.

Can HONEY help with HAYFEVER?

Raw spring honey produced within 3 miles of where you live is the most effective for this.  If you regularly eat your local spring honey which contains the pollens that you are allergic to the theory is that your body gets used to the pollens gradually to prevent a sudden reaction.

Isn’t MANUKA HONEY best?

Manuka honey is made from nectar from the Manuka plant which grows in New Zealand.  The Manuka nectar has very high antiseptic properties, however, Cardiff University did a study the year before last of honey across Wales and found honey in North Wales with exactly the same properties.  This goes to show that local, raw  honey is just as good and by buying local you are supporting the sustainability of bees and beekeeping in Wales and the UK.

Why are the BEES in TROUBLE?

Bees are in trouble for a number of factors.  The seasonal changes mean that there is not a sustained summer season for blossoms and nectar to allow the bees to effectively gather enough food stores for winter which can lead to starving.  The prevalence of diseases means that colonies can be wiped out.  However, the most pressing of issues currently is the high use of pesticides and Europe is currently engaged in research on this issue as we speak.  Think before you use chemicals outside and the effect that this can have on wildlife.

Why is HONEY & BEEWAX so good for the skin?

Honey and beeswax are what’s known as Humectants which mean that attract moisture and lock it in so this is perfect for skin hydration.  Beeswax acts as a natural, breathable barrier to prevent moisture loss and to protect from harsh weather, heating and environmental pollutants. 

What is the special HEALING power of HONEY?

Honey is highly anti-bacterial so is extremely healing – great for sensitive, dry and damaged skin.  Also great for wounds, stings, bites, infections and sore throats.  The best treatment for a sore throat is to eat a pure teaspoon just before bed to totally coat the throat and let it works its magic overnight.  You can even use raw honey as a face mask – apply a layer to the face, leave for 20 minutes and wash off for soothed, healed and cleansed skin.


The HBB range is particularly suited to all of these skin conditions as there are no chemicals, parabens, lanolin, synthetic fragrances, perfumes or other irritants in any of the ingredients.  All the products are made from simple, natural ingredients including honey for it’s extraordinary healing properties.  The particular product that I would recommend for the above skin conditions is my BEST SELLING  ‘SOOTHING BALM’.  This is loaded with Beeswax, Honey and Calendula Oil which is super healing along with the lavender and mandarin oils.  The most effective application of the product is a small amount over affected area over night as the beeswax sits on the skin preventing moisture loss and you will not wash it off so will get maximum benefit.

I have DRY CRACKED LEGS and FEET do have a product to help?

Yes I would strongly recommend my MOISTURE BALM.  This product again is loaded with beeswax and honey but also the intense moisture richness of ARGAN OIL.  It has a refreshing blend of lemongrass, Eucalyptus and TeeTree so great for dealing with the driest, hardest, roughest of skin.  Again use a little over the affected areas overnight and a week later your problems should be solved.  Also very effective for the ‘working man’s’ dry hands.

I have DRY SKIN on my FACE, what products can help?

For dry and/or mature skin I would recommend the hydrating properties of our Geranium & Myrrh Face Cream which is a soft, silky cream full of honey and beeswax which will hydrate and protect the face.  It can be used as a very effective day cream.  This cream was actually designed for a mid-wife in Cardiff who have very sensitive skin and wanted a chemical free face cream.  She was my tester and this is the formulation we settled on which has led to it be my best selling and repeat ordered item.  Over-night I would recommend the Ultimate Moisture Face Oil.  Completely wash and cleanse the face and apply a small pump of the oil gently dabbed into the face.  This oil is loaded with moisture rich base oils such as avocado and rosehip and will provide an intense moisture boost over night for super soft skin come morning.


I have a natural Vitamin Rich Face Oil which contains all the flower rich face oils such as Passion Flower and Neroli but also Raspberry Seed Oil which has naturally high SPF.  So for extra sun protection and hydration on holiday or on summer days I would recommend using this during the day.  Again, a very small amount gently dabbed into the skin and it will soak straight on.

What if I have OILY, PROBLEM skin?

The FACE OILS, even though they sound greasy, have no barrier and will soak straight in without causing any pore blockage.  They are light and do not leave a tacky feel to the skin.  I would also recommend using a weekly facial exfoliator such as our very popular Rose, Geranium & Orange SUGAR FACE SCRUB.  This takes off the top layer of dirty dead skin cells, moisturises the skin and leaves it super soft, bright and glowing.  You could also try a once weekly FACE MASK to really detoxify the skin. 

Do you have products for COMBINATION SKIN?

Yes, I would recommend the Lavender & Bergamot Face Cream.  This provides hydration, healing and protection from the natural oils, honey and beeswax.  The lavender oil is also soothing and healing and bergamot is astringent to assists with any oiliness.  The key, as with all the products, is that a little goes a long way, so use sparingly.

I have very SENSITIVE DRY skin around my EYES – can you help?

Our Under Eye Serum is made up of a blend of natural oils which have natural anti-inflammatory properties but also loaded with Argan Oil.  The product contains no essential oils so is extremely gentle and ideal for dealing with a multitude of eyes problems including dry skin, puffiness, dark circles and fine lines.  A drop is enough for both eyes and can be used over night and during the day under concealer.


    If you have any questions that are not found on this page please email us at: info@honeybeebeautiful.co.uk for further advice.