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Does Psoriasis Control YOU? 10 Easy Ways to Take Back Control of YOUR Body

Difficult to manage? Embarrassing? Uncomfortable and restricting? Constant itchiness?  As sufferers of psoriasis, these feelings of skin frustration will be all too familiar and it’s something that we here at Honey Bee Beautiful always want to help with. Read on for our easy to follow top ten tips on how manage this condition at home and not let it take over you   Firstly, what exactly is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is an auto immune condition whereby the body over produces skin cells so that they pile up on top of each other creating thickened areas or ‘plaques’.  The body is unable to shed these skin cells at the speed they are being produced - this then creates the thickened skin areas.  Did...

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Your Rosacea questions answered by Honey Bee Beautiful

Rosacea - the skin condition most famously associated with Renee Zellweger in her amazing role as Bridget Jones. But whilst we all look to Bridget’s flushed face as an endearing quality, in reality Rosacea can be an uncomfortable and difficult skin problem to manage. As the skin reddening condition is the focus of our social media this week, we wanted to dive a little deeper into the causes, treatment options and symptoms of Rosacea - hopefully answering some of your questions in the process. Q: What is Rosacea? A: Typically associated with blushing or flushed skin, rosacea is a skin condition which causes the blood vessels underneath the skin to flare up into an intense and often uncomfortable red colour....

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