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The Best Father's Day Gift Guide From Honey Bee Beautiful

As Father’s Day is just around the corner, it’s time for all us to start thinking about the men in our lives. With so much confusion and chaos around at the moment, there’s no better occasion to treat and pamper those we love, and show them just how much they mean to us this June. As many of us won’t have seen a hairdresser or beautician in weeks, it's more important than ever to start stocking up on those Barber Bee Gift Sets! Hands and Nails More and more of us have taken to our gardens recently, and have spent our lockdown days elbow deep in flower beds, trying to prep for the long summer months. So why not treat...

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What Causes Skin to Age & How To Make It Glow

As we get older, many of us will start to notice just how much our skin changes over the years. We develop lines, blemishes, dry patches, age spots and our skin starts to drop south! Our complexion changes through each new stage of life, and it can be confusing knowing just how to treat or prevent these new markers of our age. Whilst unfortunately, we’re yet to find a cure for old age, there are some ways to help keep your skin looking younger and healthier for longer - without invasive treatments and high intensity skincare routines! First, get to know just what’s happening beneath the surface of your skin. One of the most obvious changes your skin will face...

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How To Create A Bee-Friendly Garden

    It’s great to take the chance to get out into the garden, from prepping our flower beds to pruning and preening our herb gardens, there’s a lot to maintain and prepare througout the year. One of the most popular questions we get asked is how to encourage more bees to visit our gardens, and, we are more than happy to share our tips and advice this week. Whilst we do understand that it might not be possible to follow all of these tips in the current climate, we hope our advice can help you plan for the future of your garden and give you a better idea of how to build your bee friendly space!      ...

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The cause of Dry Hair and what you can do about it......

As spring starts to arrive, we all want to head outside and start breathing in that fresh air and sunshine. But, for those of us who struggle with dry, wispy or problematic hair, the warmer seasons bring nothing but frustrating battles with our hairbrushes and the urge to wear a sunhat 24/7. So what causes hair to dry out? There are two basic reasons for dry hair.  Either your scalp doesn’t produce or retain enough natural oil (sebum) to moisturise your hair at the root/scalp or, the condition or structure of your hair is causing moisture to escape, which leads to dry hair.   A strand of hair is made up three main segments. At the center is the core, which...

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Your Rosacea questions answered by Honey Bee Beautiful

Rosacea - the skin condition most famously associated with Renee Zellweger in her amazing role as Bridget Jones. But whilst we all look to Bridget’s flushed face as an endearing quality, in reality Rosacea can be an uncomfortable and difficult skin problem to manage. As the skin reddening condition is the focus of our social media this week, we wanted to dive a little deeper into the causes, treatment options and symptoms of Rosacea - hopefully answering some of your questions in the process. Q: What is Rosacea? A: Typically associated with blushing or flushed skin, rosacea is a skin condition which causes the blood vessels underneath the skin to flare up into an intense and often uncomfortable red colour....

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